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National School


News Archive

Active Schools Week December 2024

Active Schools Week – December 2024: A Fun-Filled Adventure to the North Pole! This December, we had an exciting and active week as part of our Active Schools Week! The children took part in a thrilling challenge where they "ran" to the North Pole, completing laps around the school to reach the 5000 km run to cover the distance from Clogherhead to the North


Save the Date- Grandparent’s Day April 11th 2025

**Save the Date: Grandparents Day – April 11th!** We are excited to announce that Grandparents Day will be held on **April 11th**! It’s a special occasion to celebrate and honor the wonderful grandparents in our school community. Please mark your calendars and save the date for a memorable day filled with love, stories, and song. We can’t wait to share t


New Autism Classes opening in September

Announcement: Two Special Classes for Autistic Students to open in September We are excited to announce that starting in September 2025, our school will be opening two new specialised autism classes to better serve the needs of our students. These classes will offer a supportive, tailored learning environment designed to help students with autism thrive academ


School Birthday Calendar

Exciting News: School Calendar Coming Soon! We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our School Calendar 2025, which will feature all the children in the school, with each child appearing in the month of their birthday! This calendar will be a wonderful way to celebrate the entire school community and bring joy to each family throughout the year.


Christmas Carol Services

A Heartwarming Christmas Celebration We are thrilled to share that we had two beautiful evenings at St. Michael's Church, where the children filled the air with song and warmth. Their performances truly marked the beginning of the Christmas season, bringing joy and spirit to all who attended. A special thank you to Ms. Deery for her dedication and leadership w


Callystown Concert

Many musical forces joined together to produce an amazing concert on October 27th in Callystown NS. The Drogheda Male Voice Choir and David Leddy with special guests Oriel Sounds and of course the Callystown National School Choir came together to create a truly magical musical performance. The charity concert was in aid of the RNLI and the school with all p


Skipathon Fun!

Our annual skipathon took place on Wednesday 25th October and was a hopping success as always! READ MORE

Halloween fun in Callystown

Ms O'Kane's Class


School Calendar

Dates for your diary 2023/2024 Click here for the school calendar.



Newshounds Callystown NS have their very own roving reporters from 6th class; our Newshounds. For this term, it will be Tara and Emma on the news trail. They will be keeping watch around the school finding out what’s happening in all the classrooms and reporting back here. Here are some stories they uncovered this week. Click on the


Safe Routes to School Survey

Safe Routes to School - Callystown NS, Callystown, Clogherhead, Co Louth - Parent Survey Results [gallery link="file" columns="1" size="medium" ids="3428"]


New School Uniform!

Introducing our new school uniform! The Parent's Council has selected this very smart and comfortable tracksuit design to be worn as the every day uniform. There will be a one-year transition period where the old uniform and tracksuit will be acceptable too. The shorts are proving very popular with the children! We hope this will make life easier for parents with


Welcome Back to School

As another new school year begins, the staff at Callystown National School would like to extend a warm welcome back all our students.  An extra special welcome to our new Junior Infants and a number of students who have joined us throughout the school. We are looking forward to an enjoyable year and working together, we are sure it will be a successful one. <


Thursday 5th January 2023 Return to school

We look forward to welcoming all classes back to school for a new term on Thursday 5th January. There are lots of events to look forward to in the coming term and lots of work to be done.


Confirmation and First Holy Communion dates

The dates for Confirmation - Saturday 22nd April First Holy Communion Saturday May 13th A talk for both groups of children was held recently in St Michael's church. Sr Anne Lyng gave a very inspiring talk and encouraged us all to focus on the importance of this special year for our children. READ MORE

Christmas Carol Service

Our Christmas carol services returned after a three-year absence even the short frost postponement did not prevent these special occasions from bringing great joy to us all again. This year's theme was Christmas thoughts and prayers. We heard the story of Christmas and prayed for those people for whom Christmas can be a challenging time. Each class sang two songs


Skip-a-Thon for Sensory Room

Our annual Skipathon raised €3,800 for the school's new sensory room. It was a very generous response for a worthy project. The event was enjoyed by everyone and there was a wonderful atmosphere on the day, There were some very fancy new skipping stars on show. Following the visit of Lee James from Skip Hop earlier in their week.


The Beginning of Advent

In the Christian church calendar, the time leading up to Christmas is called Advent, a Latin word meaning “coming.” We mark the four Sundays in Advent as a way to prepare hearts for the coming of Jesus. Children can begin to understand the meaning and beauty of Advent with simple activities, stories and songs. We began the preparation for Advent at


Sensory Room

We are thrilled to announce that our new sensory room was completed in September. The sensory room provides pupils with a place of calm away from the hustle and bustle of our busy classrooms and corridors. It provides an area where children with sensory needs can find comfort and time to self regulate. The room is an important facility and will provide an oasis o


School Holidays 2022/2023

School Holidays 2022/2023

October Mid-Term break Closing Friday 28th October re-opening Monday 7th November Christmas Holidays 2022 Closing Wednesday 21st December re-opening Thursday January 5th St Brigid's Holiday 2023 Closed Monday 6th February Febr


Return to School August 31st

Callystown National School  looks forward to welcoming all students on August 31st. A special welcome to our new Junior Infants who will be starting school for the first time.


Official Opening of the Garden of Life

Wednesday 23rd June was a day of mixed emotions in Callystown NS as we celebrated the opening of our Garden of Life but also said goodbye to our long serving secretary Mary King and SNA Kathleen King. We are so grateful to them for all they have contributed to the school in their time here and they will be greatly missed by all. There were many performances fr


Garden of Life Assembly

On Thursday the 9th June we celebrated the garden of life with a special assembly just for designer Andrew Christopher Dunne. The children sang specially selected songs, read statements on their first impressions of the garden and Amy from 5th Class read a poem she had written for Andrew. Andrew's son Sam presented him with a gift from the school by local a


Dates for your diary

Garden of Life Official opening Wednesday 22nd June 11am 6th Class graduation Thursday 16th June 6th Class school tour Friday 17th June Infants tour Thursday 16th June Sports day Monday 20th June - weather permitting School closing for Summer holidays Thursday June 23rd 12.30pm  


Lá Glas

Lá Glas -  by3 Sophie O'Connor 6th class   Ar an 16ú Márta bhí ár lá glas bliantúil againn. Is féile idirnáisiúnta Ghaeilge i seachtain na Gaeilge! I rith Seachtain na Gaeilge, bíonn daoine ag ceiliúradh an Ghaeilge agus ár gcultúr dúchais in Éirinn agus fud fad domhain gach bilain. &nbs


Music Generation – Uileann Pipes

What a wonderful start to Seachtain na Gaelige we had on this wet Monday morning in Callystown National School with the beautiful music from harpist Deirdre-Ní-Bhuachalla and Uileann Piper Joe Byrne. Joe and Deirdre explained the history of their traditional Irish instruments. Our own talented musicians Ms Gaffney, Ms O'Kane and Ms Deery joined in to create a


Seachtain na Gaelige 2022

Every year, our school takes part in Seachtain na Gaeilge. During this week, the school promotes the Irish language, culture, sports, songs, poems and dances. ​ The pupils are encouraged to speak Gaeilge throughout the week, and are awarded Gaeilgoirí awards for doing so. Lá Glas traditionally wraps up Seachtain na Gaeilge. In the lead up to St Patrick�


School Football Returns!!!

Thursday 10th March was an exciting day for schools around the county as we saw the return of the inter-schools Gaelic matches after a two-year hiatus due to covid. The boys and girls both played blitzes against Tullyallen, Mell and Scoil Aonghusa and made us all very proud with their skill and sportsmanship.


Rainbows Programme

As part of our Home/School/Pastoral Care programme, we are delighted to be in a position to offer young people who have experienced the death of a close relative, separation or other painful change


HSE Quick Isolation guide-updated

HSE Isolation guide for primary school pupils Isolation quick guide under 13s (1)


10th January Covid – 19 update

January 10th, 2022 Dear Parents, I’d like to wish you all a very happy New Year and hopefully 2022 will see an improvement to the Covid 19 situation. At the moment, there is an increased level of absences among our pupils. It is important that families continue to follow HSE guidelines and that any child that is experiencing Covid 19 symptom


Garden of Life is Born

Christmas came a little bit early in Callystown National School on Monday morning when the garden of Life was opened up for our children for the first time. There was huge excitement among the children and staff alike as the children ran through the long awaited rainbow tunnel. Andrew Dunne was on site to witness his plan come to completion as the children finall


Callystown Christmas Video 2021

We would like to wish all our children and their families a very Happy Christmas. Here's a little look at some of the festive fun from around the school. https://vimeo.com/658537281


STEAM Week 2021

A fantastic week of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. Huge thanks to Mr Crosbie for organising STEAM week and to all the teachers for all their efforts this week with experiments and hands on activities for the children to enjoy and learn from. Each class had a task to complete from building a weight-bearing bridge to designing and creating a fl


Clothes collection 8th-14th November

We will be holding a clothes collection for the week of November 8th - 12th. If you could spread the word to friends and family we would be delighted to take your recycle bags. READ MORE

Skipathon 2021

On Thursday 21st October 2021 the whole school got together for our annual skipathon. Spirts were high as the sun shone and the music played during the activities and a great time was had by all. It was a fantastic fundraiser for our school garden reaching €6000 in donations! READ MORE

Halloween dress up day!

On Friday 22nd October Callystown NS was a very scary place as all the children were transformed into scary monsters, zombies, witches, ghosts and ghouls. There was a huge effort made by all the children with their costumes and it was great fun trying to guess who was hiding under each disguise. Mr Fortune's class performed the Thriller dance to a captive audi


We Need Your Help!!

Our school families have been extremely generous and so many of you have contributed to the idonate callystown garden of life page but we are almost €4000 short of out target to complete the project. The page is still open and we will be delighted to accept any further donations to help us complete the garden. READ MORE

Garden of Life begins!!

There was great excitement in Callystown NS today as the diggers arrived to begin work on our Garden of Life. Garden designer Andrew Christopher Dunne was on site to oversee the beginning of the project by landscaping company Silverstream. We are almost at our fundraising target, just a little bit left to get to our goal! READ MORE

Cycling Champ!

Congratulations to Darragh Murphy in 5th Class who came 2nd in the U11 National Youth Cycling Road Race in Gorey Co Wexford in August. Well Done Darragh!!


Back to School 2021! Tuesday August 31st all students return to school

Callystown National School looks forward to opening its doors to all our students, especially our new Junior Infants, on Tuesday 31st August.


Callystown NS End of Year Performance 2021



Callystown NS Sports Day 2021

What a fantastic day we had for our annual sports day on Thursday June 4th 2021. The children and staff were all in great spirits to enjoy all the fun, music and sports. We hope you enjoy our slideshow of the day. https://vimeo.com/561730909


We Need You!! Monday 21st June 7.30pm!

We are calling all parents!!! We need your help to reach our target to start work on the garden as soon as possible!! Please attend and fill a car! You might just hit the jackpot!!


Garden of Life – Let’s Make It Happen!!

Can you help us build our Garden of life and make a home for Jerome the Gnome? Please donate and give what you can to make this dream become reality. https://youtu.be/OCBRn1Runys


Professor Luke O’Neill visits Callystown! -Virtually

Interview with professor Luke O'Neill

It was a great honour to welcome professor Luke O'Neill to our virtual assembly on World Earth Day -Thursday 22nd April. Luke has become a very familiar face on our screens over the past year as Ireland's leading immunologist. He has been a beacon of hope and optimism in the


Easter Egg Hunt Fun

  Ms O'Kane's Junior Infants having great fun searching for a tennis ball to exchange for an Easter Egg. READ MORE

Easter Art

Ms Clayton’s class Spring showers art show

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://callystownnationalschool.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Spring-Showers-Art-Video-1-1-1.mp4"][/video]


Lá fhéile pádraig sona daoibh

This week we are all back together and diving straight into the fun as we we are celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge at Callystown NS. The children are learning about St. Patrick and listening to lots of fun songs about leprechauns, rainbows and pots of gold. There was lots of art in all the classrooms and Ms Neary's class made some paper plate leprechaun faces with


Back to School

February 25th, 2021   Dear Parents/Guardians/Children, I hope this letter finds you and your families well. It has been a difficult start to 2021 but I am sure that brighter days lie ahead with the roll out of the vaccines and the improving weather. I would like to congratulate our pupils for their magnificent work while working remote


All You Need is Love – Ms McDonnell’s class

[video width="848" height="480" mp4="https://callystownnationalschool.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/VID-20210212-WA0044-1.mp4"][/video]


Happy Valentine’s Day- Ms McClean and Ms Gaffney’s 3rd and 4th Class

Some beautiful artwork with lots of love from all the children in Ms McClean's and Miss Gaffney's class.   https://animoto.com/play/uNW0ZnBOQXsgPKek0fDWlg


Love is in the Air!! Ms Kelledy’s Junior Infants

Some beautiful Valentines artwork from Ms Kelledy's class. https://animoto.com/play/4rW31XPTpVo4q2xs36H0sQ


Keep up the Good Work! 08/02/21

Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you and your families well. I wanted to take this opportunity to recognise the great work of all our school community in making our remote learning programme such a success. The respon


Letter to Parents regarding Remote Learning Policy

Dear Parents Hopefully, this email finds you and your families well. These are difficult times for everyone and unfortunately, we are going to have to endure restrictions for a while longer. Our remote learning programme has been going very well. There has been an extremely high level of engagement from our pupils. Teachers are very pleased with the quality


Letter to Parents 08/01/20

8th January, 2021   Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you and your families well and that you had a restful and enjoyable Christmas holiday. It is very disappointing that we will not be returning to school as planned but hopefully this closure will not be for too long and that we will back in our classrooms on Monday, February 1


Christmas at Callystown National School 2020

Christmas at Callystown NS 2020 A Little look at all the Christmas fun we had this year.


6th Class Nativity – A Saviour is Born

6th Class Nativity Mr Crosbie's Class - A Saviour is Born Well done to Mr Crosbie and 6th class for their creative use of the green screen to enhance their nativity drama. READ MORE

Ms Lally Retires

On Friday, November 27th, the school bade a fond farewell to Ms Lally as she retired after 16 wonderful years of service to Callystown NS. Ms Lally was a respected and admired teacher. Her dedication and commitment to teaching has had a profound effect on the many pupils she has taught over the years. Ms Lally also gave generously to the school with her work with


School Calendar 2020/2021

Halloween Monster Mash parade

Callystown was a spooky place to be on Friday the 23rd October as we celebrated Halloween with a monster Mash parade and some scary dancing! Fortune leads the school in the Thriller dance flash mob [video width="720" height="480" mp4="https://callystownnationalschool.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/20201023_103127_1_1_1_2.mp4"][/video] READ MORE


Our 5th and 6th classes are busy working on STEAM projects in collaboration with Microsoft Dreamspace TV. STEAM education is an integrated approach to learning through Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths activities. So far, they have been challenged with building model wind turbines and innovative board games. The challenges will move online and invol


Maths Week 2020

What a fun and exciting week of Mathematical projects and problem solving we had at Callystown NS last week. All the classes took a hands on approach to making Maths week a fun and active learning experience. Ms Neary's class completing Maths puzzles. READ MORE

Ms O’Connell on the Occasion of her retirement.

Thursday the 1st October was a sad day in Callystown National School as we said goodbye to our wonderful Ms O'Connell after 13 years as a learning support teacher in Callystown NS. Ms O'Connell was a dedicated and much-loved teacher and colleague and will be sadly missed by both children and staff. The pupils and staff gave her a great send off  with songs, poem


Our Champion Cyclist

We are so proud of our 6th class student Edith Murphy.  Edith took 1st place in an U12s Ulster Champion Road Time Trial Race and then a Road Race on Sunday 20th September.  Edith is a member of Rostrevor Mountain Bike Club in Rostrevor Co Down. We hope your winning streak continues Edith! Well Done!

Active Schools Day

There was a fantastic buzz around the school on Friday as the sun shone brightly for our active flag celebration. We were honoured to welcome local sports star and former pupil, Tadhg Donnelly to raise the flag for us. Tadhg is regularly topping the podium at local, national and hopefully again in the near future when travel resumes, at international level.


Letter for Parents

Dear Parents,

It’s great to be back!  It’s great to see all our pupils back where they belong, delighted being with their friends and enjoying school again.  Thanks to all our school community, pupils, staff and parents, whose patience and co-operation has ensured that our return to school has been a successful one.  A warm w


Return to School Information

August 21st, 2020   Dear Parents/Guardians/Children, I hope that you are all staying safe and well. Over the last number of weeks, the staff of Callystown N.S. has been busy preparing for the school’s return. We know that students, and indeed their families and school staff will be looking forward to going back, reconnecting with the


Niall de Búrca

A familiar face in Callystown NS is that of the incredible storyteller, Niall de Búrca. Every visit he has a captive audience and the children talk about his storis long after he leaves. Here are some links to some of his stories, old and new. Enjoy. READ MORE

Education Support Activities/Seesaw

Listed below are the same activities as already listed on the Seesaw app.

Student Instructions

June 15th Wellbeing Week - https://cally


Arts And Crafts Week June 7th – June 12th

Student Instructions

Thursday ~ Creative Collage 🎨


A Message from all the staff at Callystown NS



Letter to Parents

Friday, March 27th, 2020 Dear Parents, I hope this letter finds you and your family well. These are strange and challenging times. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, we will be able to look back and say that we came through this ordeal and that we really cared for each other. The school will do it’s very best to support its pupils and


Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain Na Gaeilge is an international Irish language festival and one of our biggest celebrations of our native language and culture. It takes place nationwide every year in the run up to St Patrick’s Day. Ta Seachtain na Gaeilge ar suil sa scoil an seachtain seo. This week is Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish Week) in Callystown NS. Ta a lan rudai ag tarlu-comort


New Classroom Completed

We are delighted to announce that our new extension is fully completed and ready for it's new students in the coming weeks. We hope there will be many years of exciting learning opportunities housed there and many happy memories made. READ MORE

Microsoft visit Callystown

Last week Callystown National school had a visit from 3 tutors from Microsoft to facilitate our participation in Hour of Code: the largest learning event in history!

It is a global movement with more than 100 million learners in 180 countries. https://www.microsoft.com/en-ie/windows/upgradeyourworld/Hourofcode

Mr Crosbie's and Mr Fortune's cl


National Concert Hall Workshop 2

Catholic Schools Week 2020

This week we celebrated Catholic School's Week. The theme this year was 'Living in Harmony with God's Creation' This year’s theme asked us to think about how we live our lives. We are all part of God’s creation. How we treat others, the world around us and how we look after ourselves, these are the ways we can live in harmony with God’s creatio


Supporting our Secretaries

Callystown National School supporting our secretaries and caretakers for fair pay and better conditions. #supportingoursecretaries


Christmas Carol Service

Our annual Christmas carol service took place on Wednesday and Thursday night in our local St Michael's church. It was, as usual, a resounding success both nights with beautiful singing by our children and choir, fabulous music from our musicians and great reading from our narrators. We even had some comedy thank to some jokes from Fr. McVeigh. A huge thank you t


Christmas Jumper Assembly

The annual 'turning on of the lights' Christmas assembly took place on Friday the 6th December and it was it's usual joyous celebration. Ms O'Kane and the Green schools committee took the opportunity to tell us how our small changes have been making a big difference to the environment. Mr Crosbie made the exciting announcement that our school has earned it's firs


5th class walking Tour of Drogheda

 Miss O'Donoghue’s 5th class went on a historical tour of drogheda on the 22nd of november. They visited Millmount museum where they learned the history of the fortress and saw many artifacts and historical and artistic objects before taking in the view of Drogheda from Millmount fort. Next they went to the town centre an


National Concert Hall Workshop

A lucky group of musicians from Callystown have been selected to perform at the National Concert Hall in March. It's an amazing opportunity and as part of the journey they will take part in a number of musical workshops. The first one took place on Friday 29th November. There was lots of song music and dance coming from the hall as Hilda and Ms Deery led the fun-


Kevin the Builder visits Infants

Infants classes had a special visit from Kevin the main builder with Broomfield construction on the new classroom. The children have been watching excitedly out the window as all the changes take place. The children asked Kevin lots of questions about his job and Kevin had a lovely chat with them and had many stories to tell of his work. READ MORE

Green Schools Climate Change

Ms O'Kane and Ms O'Connell led the green school committee in campaigning for action on climate change and the powerful message was sent home to each child that they can make a difference just by making one small changes every day. Ask your children to tell you what they learned. The future is in our hands. READ MORE

‘Under every roof, a story….’

'Under every roof, a story, just as behind every brow, a history' - Gregory Maguire Our new classroom is currently getting it's new roof. We are hoping the sunshine lasts long enough to get the job done smoothly by the dedicated construction team. We believe the classroom will have many stories to tell in years to come of the memories that will be made under h


Garda Sports day Victory

It was a beautiful day for the annual Garda Sports Day on October 25th. The children all participated to the best of their abilities and it was great to bring home some medals on the day. Congratulations to Prince for his first place gold medal in the 50m sprint. Well done to all the children who represented the school so well and enjoyed all the activities. <


Keep Fit-A-Thon

The Keep Fit-A-Thon was a great success on Wednesday 23rd October. The trainers from Me time fitness came to the school to guide and motivate the classes. Their energy and enthusiasm was infectious and the whole school thoroughly the day. Many thanks to Mr Crosbie and Mr Clifford for organising the activities as part of our Active school Flag. Thanks to all wh


Halloween Dress Up Day!

There were ghost and ghouls, witches and zombies, and even a giant Pikachu wandering the corridors of Callystown NS on Friday 25th October all in preparation for Halloween. We had an assembly detailing the dangers posed by fireworks and bonfires and also the importance of wearing high visability clothing when out and about now that the evenings are growing dar


Clothes Recycling Success!

Thanks so much to all who supported our clothes recycling drive. It was a great success and almost €500 will be raised for the school. READ MORE

M&M Theatre Company come to Callystown NS

There was great excitement in Callystown NS on Thursday 17th October as M&M theatre productions arrived to bring the Classic novel 'little Princess' by Frances Hodgson Burnett to life. There wasn't a sound from the captive audience as the actors gave a powerful performance. We look forward to their return with a new production next year.


Are you finding your way around the website?

We can see that lots of you are visiting the 'News' section of the website! Yay! But don't forget to check out the 'Newshounds' who will show you what's happening around the school each month! https://callystownnationalschool.ie/october-2019/ The 'Notes Home' section in case the note goes mi


Clothes Recycling – Extended until Tuesday 22nd October

  Please drop bags of clothes/shoes to the school any day from today Monday 14th to Tuesday 22nd October. Towels/sheet/curtains or any kind of fabric are acceptable as the fabrics are recycled.


Fayda May Dances into 1st Place!

Fayda May in 5th class performed a showstopping lyrical solo in Dublin at the Intensity Dance Championships 2019. The judging panel were so impressed with her performance that she placed 1st out of 57 competitors in her category. Her team dance also achieved 1st place What an achievement! We are all s


Building Work on New Classroom Begins

It was with great excitement we witnessed the arrival of diggers and trucks to begin work on the the new classroom. The first job was to move the cherry tree planted by Fr. Murtagh's in 2009 on the occasion of his 90th birthday and the opening of our new extension. https://www.independent.ie/regionals/droghedaindependent/news/callystown-open-new-extension-2


Clogherhead bids a fond farewell to Doris Bleasdale

It was a wet and windy morning down at the Little Strand as the 5th and 6th class children walked down to wave lifeboat 'Doris Bleasdale' off. There was a sense of sadness in the air as the children performed a guard of honour while Doris made her way down the beach for the last time. It was a poignant moment as we waved farewell to Doris who served Clogherhead a


Callystown Shines at the Fleadh!

Drogheda Fleadh Cheoil 2019 saw the town transformed into an oasis of music, song and dance. Callystown National School certainly contributed to the displays of talent during the week with an array of talented and buoyant musicians, singers and dancers. And what a week it was with record-breaking crowds of more than 600,000 people arrived in Drogheda to enjoy the


The Michael O’Brien

Junior Infants take a trip to the beach to welcome the new lifeboat. Despite the dull weather, the three infants classes set off with their buckets and spades. They were very impressed to see the new lifeboat.They enjoyed some time on the beach playing with friends and making sandcastles. The lifeboat is the latest in a long line of search and rescue boats provi


Active Schools Week 4th June- 7th June

Callystown NS has been a hive of activity this week with dancing, boxing, football, martial arts, golf, rugby, yoga and basketball all happening throughout the school. What a fun and exciting week for all the children which culminated in our annual sports day on Friday June 7th. We would like to say a huge 'Thank You' to Mr Crosbie and Mr Fortune for all their ha


Grandparent’s Day

The hugely successful first Grandparents Day was held in May 2019 in Callystown NS. Ms Kelledy and Ms Neary put huge effort into the fabulous day and the parents council provided teas and coffees. There wasn't a dry eye in the house as the beautiful rememberance tree painting by the talented Karen Faulkner was unveiled. The assembly ended with a very memorable mo


Trocaire Picnic May 16th

On Thursday May 16th Fr McVeigh was invited to the school where he was presented with a cheque for €968 which he accepted on behalf of Trocaire. This year’s Lenten campaign has been in aid of Trocaire who run aid projects in developing countries. The projects this year are to help children who belong to families who have lost their homes due to serious inf


New Extension for Callystown NS

The Department of Education and Skills has granted funding for the provision of an additional classroom to the school. The extension is due to an increase in enrolment over the last number of years and will mean that there will be 13 classrooms in the school when it is completed. The new classroom will be built to adjoin the staffroom and a new corridor will be n


Seachtain na Gaelige

Seachtain na Gaeilge March is the time for our annual Seachtain na Gaeilge. It was great to hear the classrooms resound with the music, song and sounds of our native language. Everywhere you went there were children trying out their cupla focail and they all have to be commended for their efforts and the use of the language. The highlight of the week as always is