Morning Time:
School begins at 9.00a.m.
At 8.50am the first bell will sound at which point the school yard will be supervised.
Children, who are in the yard prior to this time, are not the responsibility of the Board of Management.
Parents are asked to drop their children to the school gates at 8.50am.
At 9am the second bell sounds and children will line up in their designated lines.
It is important that the children develop the habit of being punctual for school.
Morning Break Time:
There is a 15 minute break at 10.45 a.m.
Lunch Break:
Lunch break is from 12.30 p.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Infants Home Time:
Junior and Senior Infant Classes are dismissed at 1.45 p.m.
(It is important that parents are on time. Pupils must return to their class teacher if their parent is not present. Parents must not take another child unless the school has been informed).
Home Time:
The pupils from first to sixth classes are dismissed at 2.45 p.m.
(At 2.45 p.m., pupils are expected to leave the school grounds in an orderly fashion and to report home promptly).
General Notes
Please see the school’s Healthy Eating Policy in the policy section of this website.
Pupils remain in school for lunch.
In the interest of hygiene and to reduce the effects of spillage, pupils are requested to eat their lunches off a tea towel.
Fruit Break: Pupils may eat a piece of fruit or vegetable at first break. This piece of fruit/veg should be peeled and of an appropriate.
Foods recommended for Lunches: Fruit, sandwiches (no chocolate, nutella or peanut spreads), Cheese, Yoghurt, Salads, buns (no chocolate), Pancakes, crackers, rice cakes, water, milk, soup, etc.
Foods not to be included: Bars, Biscuits, chocolate of any kind on anything, crisps, nuts, eggs in salads or sandwiches, sweets or fizzy drinks.
Chewing gum is not allowed in the school.
Uniform and Dress Code:
Please see the school’s Dress Code policy in the policy section of this website.
The school uniform is worn on all school days other than on days of P.E. classes.
The school uniform is:
Navy Jumper and trousers for boys.
Navy Jumper and skirt or trousers for girls.
Blue blouse or shirt or polo shirt
Navy tie
The school tracksuit is a bespoke tracksuit for Callystown National School and may be ordered through or on the school fitting day usually on day in May.
(The school tracksuit pants have a yellow piping on the side).
Pupils are required to wear the school tracksuit on P.E. days.
For P.E. classes, runners are compulsory.
(Children should have their names written permanently on their uniforms, coats and other personal property.)
Please see the school’s Attendance policy in the policy section of this website.
Each child is obliged by law to attend school every day on which the school is in operation unless there is a reasonable excuse for not attending. The Board of Management is obliged to inform Tusla when a pupils has been absent for 20 or more days in any given year.
When a pupil has been absent for 15 days, a letter from the school will be sent to the pupil’s parents to inform them that if their child reaches 20 absences then Túsla will be informed.
In the event of a pupil being absent through illness or for any other reason, the class teacher should be informed by written note (pupil’s journal) on the pupil’s return to school or through the use of the Aladdin app. If it is anticipated that the absence will be of a lengthy duration, the school should be contacted by telephone or email.
When it is necessary for a pupil to leave school early, a note must be sent to the class teacher.
(Parents/ guardians are asked to call personally to the office to collect the child).
Children who are ill should not be sent to school.
Parents are asked that the school is made aware of any pupils’ medical needs.
The school employs a policy on the administration of medicines. Please make an appointment with the Principal if you need to discuss this issue. (Please see the school’s policy on the Administration of Medication on the policy section of this website)
Requests to remain indoors at break times should only be made in exceptional circumstances.
Please check your child’s hair regularly for head lice. If there is an outbreak of head lice in a class, all parents of pupils in that class are informed by note, and asked to take immediate action to treat the infestation.
Accident Procedures
Accidents occur despite supervision. Minor accidents are treated at school. Slight cuts and grazes are normally treated by cleaning the cut with an antiseptic wipe and applying a plaster to the wound.
In the event of an accident/child becoming ill, every possible effort will be made to contact the pupil’s parents or persons delegated to take responsibility for the pupil.
Please ensure that the school’s pupil information form, giving details of home/work phone numbers, is kept up to date. Non co-operation in this matter could result in a delay in having your child attended to medically, should the need arise. Please ensure that an alternative contact person has been nominated and that they live locally.
(There is a facility for parents to take out insurance to cover medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident at school. Details of this scheme are circulated to parents in September.)
Home/School Communication
Please see the school’s policy on General Data Protection Regulations in the policy section of this website.
Frequent communication is of vital importance in developing and nurturing co-operation between home and school.
Aladdin App: The school uses the Aladdin App for schools. Each parent is requested to download the app. The app gives parents access to pupil information, school reports, pupil attendance, standardised test results and much more. The app will also be used to send messages to parents from the school and class teachers.
The school uses this website to update parents on school policy, calendar and activities.
Newsletter: The school will send home a newsletter at the end of each term to update the school’s community on the events of the school.
Notes Home: From time to time, pupils will be given notes to bring home to inform parents of upcoming events and issues. These notes will also be sent home by email.
Students’ Journal: Pupils from First class upwards will receive a school homework journal. Its primary purpose is to inform parents of their child’s homework, however it both teachers and parents may use it to communicate with each other.
Parent / Teacher meetings: Parent/Teacher meetings will be held during February for all classes except 6th class, which take place in October.
Individual consultation: This occurs where a parent has asked for an interview with a teacher or has been invited to visit the school to exchange information or to discuss matters of concern. A note to the class teacher or a phone call to the secretary requesting such an appointment is always essential. It is also necessary that the purpose of the visit be stated so that teachers may undertake whatever preparation is necessary with regard to information and records.
Appointment with Principal: Parents should contact the secretary at 041-9822873 if they wish to make an appointment to meet with the Principal.
New Parents meeting: A meeting is held in the first week of September of each year with parents of the new infants.
School Book Rental Scheme:
The school runs a book rental scheme. Pupils will be provided with all their textbooks and workbooks for the school year.
School Supplies Levy: Callystown N.S. collects a school supplies levy. This levy is used to purchase each pupil’s homework journal and copies. The levy is also used to fund photocopying, library books, supplementary readers, art materials, class games, computer software, hardware and other classroom and sporting requirements.
(The cost of the Book Rental and School Levy is currently €70. There are reductions for families who 3 or more pupils attending the school).
Religious Formation
Parents have a key role to play in the religious formation of their children. They are asked to acquaint themselves with the school’s religion programme (Grow in Love).
The pupils receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion in Second Class, and the sacrament of Confirmation when in Sixth Class. The preparation of the children for sacraments is a shared responsibility between pupils, teachers, parents and parish clergy. On certain occasions throughout the school year, the children may participate in prayer services or a school Masses.
Opt Out: If parents wish to have their child opt out of religious education, parents are required to meet with the school’s principal to discuss the issue.
School Environment:
Callystown N.S. is a Green Flag School. To date we have received the Green Flag for Waste, Energy, Water, Travel and Biodiversity. The school is currently in the process of applying for our ‘Global Citizenship’ flag.
A lot of effort has been put into creating a pleasant environment over the last number of years. Murals have been painted and a large part of the school has been landscaped.
School Tours
It has been the tradition of the school that each class will get an opportunity to go on at least one school trip. This usually happens in the last term of school. On occasions, when a suitable event occurs, then a tour can be arranged to take advantage of this opportunity. A notification of school tours will be sent to all parents detailing the trip and costs. A permission slip will be attached and will need to be signed in order for children to take part.
After School Activities:
After school activities are run on a termly basis and may vary from time to time. The activities are run with the co-operation of teachers. Activities may include boys and girls football, music, Irish dancing, arts and crafts, Lego club and IT club. Arrangements for each of these activities will be forwarded to parents at the beginning of each term.
Credit Union:
The school promotes the habit of saving. To this end, the school has a savings club with the local Credit Union. Each Monday, from October to the end of the year, those wishing to save can bring money in and it will be lodged through the school to their Credit Union accounts. No withdrawals can be made through the school. In order to open an account, parents will have to make contact with Clogherhead Credit Union to open an account.
Parking and Traffic:
Parents are asked not to park in the teachers’ car park.
Parents are asked to drive around the roundabout and to stop at the pedestrian gate when dropping off their children. Under no circumstances should a car stop on the roundabout to drop children off.
As a general rule, every child from Junior Infants to Sixth Class is given homework each weekday night. Parents are asked to ensure that their children complete the homework each night. In the event of the homework not being attempted or not being completed, teachers may insist that the children complete the homework during weekends.
Each child from first class to sixth has a homework journal. It should be signed each night by a parent when the child’s homework is completed and inspected.
Where exceptional circumstances prevent the completion of homework, please forward an explanatory note to the teacher.
Parents are asked to refrain from doing their child’s homework. Work set for homework will have been prepared in class. Please check your child’s homework for neatness and point out any mistakes.
Changes have taken place in the way in which certain areas of Maths are being taught. In helping your child, please adhere to the methods being used in school.
Providing alternative methods may lead to confusion for the child.
Oral work is as important as written work. Please listen to your child’s reading, and examine spellings and tables.
As a general rule, homework is not given at the weekends.
Reading: It is primarily in the home that the habit of reading is fostered. Encourage your child to join the library and help him/her to appreciate that reading can be fun and not a chore which is confined to school or homework. Encourage reading in free time and during holidays.
Problems with Reading: Children with reading difficulties may be referred to the Learning Support Teacher. For a support programme to be successful, it will require the encouragement and active co-operation of parents. Specifically, parents are asked to listen to their child reading on a nightly basis. Be positive. The road to good reading may not be smooth, but your child will get there in the end.
School Policies:
The school has a number of policies that inform the management of Callystown National School. These policies are to be found in the school policy section of this website. It is important that parents read these policies and keep up to date with the administration of the school.
Ways to help the School:
We are very appreciative of the support which parents and pupils give to the school’s fund raising activities.
We encourage as many parents as possible to take an active part in the Parents’ Council.
Remember – When you give time to the school, you help your child! When you give time to your child, you help the school!
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school at 9822873