Friday, March 27th, 2020
Dear Parents,
I hope this letter finds you and your family well. These are strange and challenging times. Hopefully, in the not too distant future, we will be able to look back and say that we came through this ordeal and that we really cared for each other.
The school will do it’s very best to support its pupils and families over the coming weeks. These are unprecedented circumstances and it will be challenging to deal with the many diverse needs and circumstances that exist. However, I feel that it is important to state a few core principles;
The situation regarding the duration of school closures is very uncertain and will be determined by the Department of Education. As a result we intend to organise school work programmes on a phased basis and set out work that we feel is appropriate at each stage.
Initially, we sent recommendations of work which were to cover the period up to Friday the 27th of March. Since then, teachers have been putting together lists of work for the coming three weeks. These lists will be posted on the school’s website (www.callystownnationalschool.
A number of parents have asked about getting pupils’ schoolbooks home. At the moment we have decided to hold off on this, as we feel that the programmes that will be on the website will be more appropriate. However, we will review this issue in due course and if we feel it is necessary we will try to organise the safe collection of the books at another time.
I hope that you will find these programmes helpful and that they provide good support and routine for your children. We will monitor this ever changing situation over the coming weeks and will do our best to adapt our support to what we feel is best for your children. However, I feel that the priority for all of us is to keep ourselves and our families safe. Please remind your children to keep up their great work with washing their hands, good cough etiquette and keeping their social distance.
On behalf of everyone here at Callystown NS, I would like to wish you and your family good health and hope that it won’t be too long before we are all back in our classrooms, enjoying the friendship and love of learning that is so much part of our school.
Mind yourselves,
Ambrose Mc Ginnity