February 25th, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians/Children,
I hope this letter finds you and your families well. It has been a difficult start to 2021 but I am sure that brighter days lie ahead with the roll out of the vaccines and the improving weather.
I would like to congratulate our pupils for their magnificent work while working remotely and to you their parents for the support you have given. Thankfully, our return to school is now imminent and teachers are looking forward to having their pupils back in their classrooms.
By now, you will be aware that the government has announced a phased return for primary school pupils. Starting from Monday, March 1, pupils from Junior Infants to Second Class will return, while from Monday, March 15th , the school will be back for all pupils. This is great news. However, it is important that our school community stays ever vigilant to the dangers of the Covid 19 virus and takes every precaution to ensure that we all remain safe and that schools remain open.
Over the last week, the school has been deep cleaned and preparations have been completed for the return of pupils and staff. All previous protocols and precautions that were in place from September remain and I would recommend that all parents should click on the following link to be fully informed of government advice. https://www.cpsma.ie/wp-
I would also be grateful if you would read and take note of a number of notices below as they are important for the safe return of our school.
Finally, it feels good to be writing this letter to you now in the knowledge that from Monday next our school will begin to get back to some sense of normality. Our teachers and staff are genuinely excited about welcoming back your children and looking forward to the rest of the school year here in Callystown NS.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Yours sincerely,
Ambrose Mc Ginnity
Return to School:
Note: Remote learning will continue for pupils from Third to Sixth class until they return on March 15th.
Declaration Forms:
A return to school declaration form MUST be completed for all pupils before their return. The declaration form can be found on the Aladdin App. It will only be available for pupils from Infants to Second Class from 3pm on Sunday February 28th. I will send a reminder text to you on Sunday. If for any reason you are unable to use the Aladdin App please provide the school with a written declaration that your child is free of any Covid symptoms on Monday.
School Starting Times
The school gates will be open from 8.50 am and pupils are asked to go directly to their classrooms as before. Parents are asked not to enter school grounds and to refrain from congregating at school gates.
Home Time:
It is essential for the safety of all our school community that any child who shows a sign or symptom of being unwell is kept at home from school and remains at home until he/she is feeling completely better.
“ If in doubt stay out!”.
Further information on COVID-19 symptoms in children is available at: – https://www2.hse.ie/
On return to school following any absence a declaration form must be completed through the Aladdin App.
Masks : Masks must be worn by all adults when entering the school grounds.
All communication to the school should be processed through the school secretary by telephone (041 9822873) or by e-mail (secretary@
Collection during school hours: If you need to collect your child during school hours, please phone ahead to inform the school and wait for your child outside the main entrance.