Green School Flag
Energy & Global Citizenship 2022-24
Over the past two school years the children in Callystown have been looking at Energy and Global Citizenship as part of the Green School Flag initiative. It runs over two years and the Green School Committee have been hard at work getting some vital messages across. Here is a taster of what we’ve been doing.
Turn Off the Lights Campaign!
In January ‘23 we asked Tom to read the electricity meter every day for a week. We found out our average daily units. We encouraged each class to appoint an energy monitor to turn off the lights and unplug unused devices when not in use. The Green school committee spent many breaks doing spot checks and awarded green, yellow or red light bulbs depending on the amount of lights left on or off each break. In May ‘23 we calculated our daily meter readings again and between our great effort and the help of the bright days we had greatly reduced our energy consumption! Ms Boylan’s 6th Class were the overall winners of our competition.
Cycle or Scoot to School!
In May we held a Cycle or Scoot to school day to promote the use of our new bike shed and to encourage as many as possible to leave the cars behind. It was a great success and bikes and scooters not only filled the shed but also all along the fences too! We look forward to more days like this in future.
Beach Clean Up!
The Green School Committee took part in a Beach presentation and Clean Up with Louth County Council in June ‘23 – The sun was shining and the committee, which is made up mostly of 4th Class, took to Clogherhead beach with litter pickers and bags- They learnt many facts about marine life and even made it onto twitter!
Green School Flag
Energy & Global Citizenship 2022- 24
In Year 2, our quest for the Energy and Global Citizenship Green School Flag has been focused on raising awareness of global issues, while also maintaining our good work on green initiatives within the school.
At Assemblies we give an important green school message and this year we started by telling everyone about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or Global goals. We also reminded classes about turning off the lights and using the correct bins. The message was delivered at our October Assembly.
Global Goals Poster Competition
In November, each class was given a global goal to learn about and investigate. Many interesting conversations were had. The infant classes learnt about Life on Land and how important it is not to cut down forests as many animals rely on them. 1st and 2nd class learnt about the importance of clean water. The Senior Classes explored many topics for example, life at sea, gender equality, no poverty, clean energy and many more. Each student in the school then made a poster based on what they were learning about. The overall standard was very high.
Carbon Calculators
The Green School Committee was learning about Carbon Calculators. They made posters to promote ways to cut down on our Carbon footprint. They chose a carbon footprint calculator on the World Wildlife Foundation website to highlight the different areas that our carbon usage affects. Why don’t you try one too!